Abuse testing

In addition to its expertise in electrical characterization, SERMA carries out abuse and safety tests (mainly on Lithium-Ion technologies) to analyse the behaviour and reactions of batteries beyond their specifications.

We intentionally generate feared events (electrical, mechanical, thermal) in order to monitor and anticipate the safety behaviour of the battery, both on cells and high power packs.

The abuse and safety tests carried out enable us to support our customers and their design offices in the product qualification phases and to provide support for certification. These tests enable us to validate the product’s compliance with standards (e.g. UN 38.3 for battery transport, R100-02, UL1642, IEC 62133, DO-0160, etc.).


Thanks to our expertise, our various test platforms and our partners, we carry out a wide range of abuse and safety tests on batteries (cells, modules and packs) under extreme conditions:

  • Mechanical tests: crushing, penetration, vibration, impact…
  • Electrical tests: overload, short circuit, cycling, …
  • Thermal tests: propagation, fire, extinction, over-temperature, etc.
  • Dynamic gas analysis


The variety of tests and trials that we offer on our different platforms (safety, electrical, mechanical, environmental) allows us to evaluate the robustness of batteries and to validate or not their suitability for a particular use.

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